Safety & Health
ILRW Protocol - Rev. June 27, 2023
As ILRW operates as a critical infrastructure, the safety and well-being of our employees and our customers is very important to us as we provide services to communities, acreages, and businesses within northwest Iowa and southwest Minnesota.
Our staff is highly trained and prepared for emergencies, restoring critical services as safely and quickly as possible. In monitoring and following guidelines by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), the State of Iowa and the local governments in an effort to ensure our employees and their families are healthy and safe, we are making the following adjustments to our normal business operations until further notice.
As always, you're welcome to call our member services department at (712) 262-8847 for any questions on your water/wastewater account. If you need to make a payment, we recommend the following options utilized including: XPRESS Bill Pay, Pay by Phone, the U.S. Postal Service, the drop box located outside near the flag pole at the office, our online website, or utilizing our ACH automatic payment method once signed up. Our lobby is open to the public.
We will respond to water main breaks and service calls outside of in-home requests unless it's an emergency. Customers should call us in the event of an emergency at 712-262-8847. Our operators have been directed to utilize ILRW apparel, personal protective equipment, and marked vehicles in the public.
We have increased our level of disinfection at our facility, as well as requiring our employees to take additional appropriate measures to remain healthy.
We sincerely care for everyone's health and well-being. We value our customers and are available at 712-262-8847 if you need to reach us as we are doing our part in helping to keep our employees safety and health. We thank you for your continued support and understanding.
ILRW Awards Received
Employees Honored for their dedication & commitment to our customers
2021 & 2023 Best Place for Working Parents Award for the extra efforts made to accommodate to working parents. ILRW understands a parent's valuable important role in their childrens' lives. We do our best to allow our employees who are working parents to focus on their childrens' growth, while keeping the business in smooth operation.
In 2022 & 2023, Iowa Lakes Regional Water Board of Directors and Management contributed a $1,000 scholarship to students attending Iowa Lakes Community College in the Water Quality -Environmental Studies programs.
2019 Platinum Medallion Award for efforts to recruit, employ, and retain veterans. ILRW utilizes the Home Base Iowa program and various workshops and
training to employees.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) awarded the ILRW water system with the Water Fluoridation Quality Award in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021 was just announced. This award recognizes water systems that achieve optimal fluoride levels for twelve consecutive months. ILRW operators continue commitment to public health through water fluoridation and outstanding performance as a water works system.
In 2018, ILRW received the National Environmental Acheivement Award for Operations & Environmental Performance. This award was presented by the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA). The award was granted for ILRW's efforts in Regional Wastewater Solutions for Rural America.
Clarification of Disconnection Policy
Policy to Protect Operations of System
To ensure the most efficient use of ILRW personnel, ILRW utilizes the reactivation fee policy. Customers who are disconnected due to non-payment will be charged a $75.00 reactivation/inconvienence fee when ILRW personnel are dispatched to perform the disconnection of service. Therefore, once the service employee is in route to perform the disconnection, the fee will be applied to the account. If reconnection occurs after normal business hours or on the weekend, $150.00 reactivation/inconvienence fee is applied to the account and due prior to reconnection of service.
Reminder: the $75.00 reactivation/inconvienence fee being applied to the account at the time ILRW is dispatched went into effect on February 1, 2016. The $150.00 after hours rate went into effect on November 1, 2020.
ILRW mails disconnect notices to members after the account is more than 30 days delinquent to notify them that payment must be received in our office before the referenced date to avoid disconnection. A courtesy phone call is also performed the day before disconnection. Payment can be made online utilizing XPRESS Bill Pay or left in the drop box located outside by the flag pole at our office.
If no payment has been received in our office by 8 a.m. on the day of disconnection, ILRW personnel are sent out to disconnect the water service.
Prompt payment is necessary to avoid disconnection.
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